Rockpos 4.2.10 - don't change the invoice address along with delivery address amendment
line 3263
public function ajaxProcessAddress()
$delivery_address = $invoice_address = null;
switch ($this->sub_action) {
case 'add':
$address = new PosAddress();
$this->copyFromPost($address, 'address');
if ($address->add()) {
$this->ajax_json['success'] = true;
$this->ajax_json['message'] = $this->module->i18n['address_added'];
$delivery_address = $address;
// start - edit by Jimmy @19Sep2022 - don't change the invoice address along with delivery address amendment
// $invoice_address = $address;
// end - edit by Jimmy @19Sep2022 - don't change the invoice address along with delivery address amendment